ella's story
Ella was diagnosed April 29, 2008 with a Diffuse Intrinsic Pontine Glioma. This is a rare, aggressive, non-operable tumor located in the pons area of the brainstem. The prognosis for this type of tumor is extremely grim. There is no cure, no known effective treatment except for radiation-which, for some, provides only temporary relief of the symptoms. Ella saw the face of Jesus on Wednesday, February 8th 2012, while at home with her family.
“Ella loved life. She loved school and her friends. She loved loving people.”
how you can help
Run. Donate. Support. Proceeds of Ella's Race help organizations fight for children like Ella. We, as Ella's supporters believe in the work that The Cure Starts Now and the Pediatric Brain Tumor Foundation do. We are partnering to make this race a reality and to save children diagnosed with cancer and brain tumors.